About Us
Meet the Club Members

Philip Sokolov, Host. Philip Sokolov likes to think of himself as the group’s intellectual snob, having cut his teeth on Tolkien and Arthurian Literature. Sarah-Nicole and Eric once made him a custom T-shirt which says “First Edition,” because Philip loves the originals of things, like Star Trek TOS and the Star Wars OT and, of course, AD&D 1E. Philip enjoys playing a dwarf or hobbit, but he really loves being DM the most. On his first date with April, he wowed her with his skillz. Now they have five kids. Philip’s favorite gaming snack is his killer garlic hummus, except on his birthday, when it’s Grey Goose. In RL, Philip is an Orthodox choir director and archbishop’s aide. Online, he holds forth as Falconer at Knights & Knaves and Old School Trek.

Sarah-Nicole Carter, Co-Host, grew up watching TOS and TNG, and loves Spock in particular. Her favorite class to play in D&D is a Ranger or Cleric. In real life, she is an opera singer and mom of two feral children. Her favorite gaming beverage is hard kombucha, and she loves The Office, Firefly, baby Yoda, Robert Heinlein, Piers Anthony, Roger Zelazny, Neil Gaiman, and Philip K. Dick. Find her on Instagram! @mobcapmezzo

April Marie Sokolova grew up thinking Star Trek was weird but was also secretly fascinated with it, and really wanted to wear Geordi La Forge’s awesome 80’s glasses. Then her sexy nerd husband made her watch the original series from start to finish, and between Captain Kirk’s constant shirt ripping, Spock’s raised eyebrow and a secret crush on Bones, she was hooked. When not playing a Star Ship doctor, she can be found prowling for treasure as a thief or assassin in 1e AD&D. In real life she is an opera singer and the mama of five crazy children, three of which are triplets. Their favorite classes are Hunter, Acrobat/thief, Princess Magic-user, Cleric and Goblin. April enjoys her gaming with a mojito, brownies and nachos, and loves historical fiction and ‘most’ things fantasy/sci-fi, terrible horse movies and buying things she doesn’t need off of Amazon.

Eric Carter, Engineer, grew up watching TNG and the original cast movies, and in the past couple years made it his mission to watch all of the other series (he’s almost there!) If he’s not DM’ing, his favorite D&D class is Wizard. In real life he works as a software program manager, and partners with Sarah-Nicole on keeping their feral children civilized. His favorite gaming beverage is coffee, and he loves Ghostbusters, Star Wars, H.P. Lovecraft, and alternate history novels.

John Jarvis is a nerd and has been into all things nerdy. He has played numerous RPG's from werewolves and vampires to DnD characters and superheroes. John grew up watching Star Trek TNG with a great fondness for the entire cast. In any RPG he's typically the player most inclined to pull the lever, push the button and flip that switch just to see what happens. They say curiosity killed the cat; well they also say John killed the party. He doesnt have a favorite class he likes to play in DnD, but his longest living character is a monk. In real life he dresses up as Captain America, spreading positivity and smiles in various ways in his local community. His favorite gamer drink is Mountain Dew, and his favorite pop culture franchise is currently the Marvel cinematic universe. You can find him on most social media platforms as @invulnerable_justice.

Ehren Werner forgot to submit his bio.

Dave Fowler grew up with TOS, then TNG, then the movies, Voyager, and the rest. The thing he liked about Star Trek from the beginning was the hopefulness of the series, that there is a whole universe to be explored, and that it can best be accomplished through peaceful cooperation and sharing of knowledge with others. His all-time favorite Star Trek character is Captain Picard (with Worf a close second). Picard's strength of character and integrity made him the ultimate embodiment of everything to which Star Trek aspired. Dave's favorite D&D class is fighter. It's fairly simple and straight forward, but can form the solid base of support for the party, In real life, Dave is a geologist. He likes to tell people he really does get paid to go walk in the woods and look at rocks. He is also more than a bit of a techno-nerd. He has his own weather station, seismological station, and background radiation station.

Avah Scholten has only ever seen the original series, and was first introduced only about 2 years ago. It is her very favorite show- as nothing else quite captures character development, cinematography, color compositions, natural humor, or the essence of humanity the way that Star Trek does. Oh, did she mention that it happens in space?? With planets?!! What more could a girl want?! Similar to Star Trek, Avah was only first introduced to D&D a few years ago, but she has enjoyed playing a Magic User. Although not allowed to wear armor, nothing prohibits a MU from wearing the sparkliest of jewels and gems... Avah will eat almost anything she can quickly find in her pantry when it comes to gaming- but nothing is better than a hot, gooey, triple-fudge brownie. When she’s not fantasizing about Captain Kirk, Avah can be found working as a veterinary assistant at the animal hospital/ER, playing with her darling little cousins, or volunteering at a wildlife rehabilitation center. She delights in Star Trek, Star Wars, Middle Earth (books), The Simpsons, Firefly, and classic Disney. You can follow her on Instagram at @avahsanimals.