Season One
Episode 1:
Commander’s Log. Stardate 7149.6. Lieutenant Vogler, temporarily in command. In order to investigate an anomaly in the Vitherion Nebula, eight crew from the Scout Ship CODY set off in Shuttle HANCOCK. We were drawn through a wormhole, and found ourselves in an unknown location which we later learned was known as the Grapigos Sector. After months of harrowing adventures in the Grapigos Sector, in which we tragically lost Commander McGillicuddy, we are finally on a course heading which will—we hope!—lead us back to the Vitherion Nebula using conventional warp travel. Things finally seem to be going well. |
Episode 2:
Commander's Log, Stardate 7157.1. Lieutenant Heinrich Vogler, temporarily in command. Having successfully replenished our supply of Dilithium on the planet Xeunides, the Shuttle HANCOCK has resumed on its course towards the Vitherion Nebula, where we hope to rendezvous with the scout ship CODY. Communications Officer de los Santos has been attempting to make contact with CODY, so far to no effect. |
Episode 3:
Commander's Log, Stardate 7165.4. We put in at Starbase 11, where Starfleet confirmed my assignment as Commander of the U.S.S. Cody. Apparently, there were no officers of higher rank available to relieve me. However, we did receive a new officer of Lieutenant Rank. We are now underway from Starbase 11, having received a set of sealed orders and instructions to proceed "with all possible haste" to a set of coordinates. Upon arrival, the sealed orders are to be opened and followed to the letter. |
Episode 4:
Commander’s Log, Stardate 7177.6. The USS Cody is en route to Research Station 7 on planet Aleph III. I have received instructions that we are to land on Aleph III and proceed to the Research Station. The people at the Research Station will not know that we are coming, because of subspace radio interference. We will have to authenticate ourselves to them, and then inform them that the research station is being closed, and we will take them off. However, Aleph III’s environment is rated “hostile” in early surveys, so we will need to be aware while we are down there. However, it is an M-class planet, so, no environmental suits will be necessary. |
Episode 5:
Commander’s Log, 7188.5. The USS Cody is in a race with the Klingons! We are to deliver Federation ambassador Carlos Luis Rivera to the Lorealyn star system. Crystalline deposits of extremely unusual properties have been discovered on planet Lorealyn V. Volcanic crystals have been discovered with much more densely packed structure than dilithium, leading scientists to believe that they could be on the verge of a breakthrough in power systems design—if enough crystals can be obtained. The Federation relies on Ambassador Rivera skills as a senior diplomat to prevail over the Klingons in its negotiations with the natives of Lorea |
Episode 6:
Commander's Log, Stardate 7209.6, Record of Commander McDonald. We are in pursuit of a spectacle beyond compare. The Cody discovered it while exploring within UFP territory near the Klingon border. It possessed a remarkable velocity that, in many ways, could not be believed. Jensen judged that it must be an artificial satellite powered by some kind of technology. But the size! It did not seem conceivable to me that this was a ship, dozens of times larger than our own Cody. Once it was before our eyes, however, our suspicions were confirmed. Now this enormous torus with a diameter larger than 10km is before us. Tryss calls it "The Drifting Ring". However, "The Ring" is hurtling toward Klingon territory. This is our pretext, and we have no way of knowing how they’ll react. We must investigate and stop the Ring! And we must do it as quickly as possible... |
Episode 7:
Commander’s Log, Stardate 7217.5. We have departed Deep Space Station K-8. Before us, to the north, east, and west, lies the Lucanii Drift, for us an unexplored region of space. Our mission is simple, to travel to as many stars as possible and record information about them and their planets. |
Episode 8:
Commander’s Log, Stardate 7242.3. The U.S.S. Cody is passing near Federation Deepspace Research Facility 39, a special scientific station for the development of sensitive experiments away from any solar system. Regulations call for any ship passing within extreme sensor distance of any Federation facility to establish communication as a courtesy. |
Episode 9:
Commander’s Log, Stardate 7250.3. The U.S.S. Cody has received an emergency request from the mining colony on Janus VI. We are to conduct an investigation, and I am to conduct a hearing on a felony charge of utmost seriousness. Cody is already in the region, having dropped off T’Pru on Janus VI some days prior for a special assignment of her own. |
Episode 10:
Commander's Log. Stardate 7258.2. The USS Cody is en route to the planet known as Aleriad. Our mission: to evacuate as many natives as possible from an impending collision. We have sped on ahead of our convoy of transports to make contact with the natives. Part 2: Commander’s Log. Stardate 7263.4. U.S.S. CODY and its convoy of transports have successfully beamed aboard over one half million Alerians of the Jahureki sect. Their leader, Thyan, and forty of his lieutenants and advisors are quartered in style aboard the CODY itself. According to our instruments, these people may never return to their planet. But ... how?? ... can we tell them? |
Special Episode!
Episode 10.5 The Michael Scott Interview
Check out our special episode! We interviewed Michael Scott, author and designer of the RPG ruleset we use: Star Trek: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier (1978, Heritage Games). "Scott" gave us a unique look into early Star Trek fan cultureand the erly RPG Hobby, including personal anecdotes about Franz Joseph, Dave Arneson, Larry Niven, James Doohan, Lou Zocchi, Robert A. Heinlein, and Poul Anderson!